This is Marketing  by Seth Godin – a Book Review

Let me get straight to the point. Whilst struggling to complete this book, to my surprise I arrived at a chapter entitled “Examples using this methodology”. My surprise stemmed from my reaction, summarised as “What methodology??? This has been more like the random ramblings of a marketing professor!”

And that, in a nutshell is my review of this book. Sorry, but I’m putting it in the “Avoid” category.

The vast majority of the observations were nothing new “find a niche audience and understand them well”.

There were only two elements that I found thought-provoking; the idea that the impact on our status in our group is an important factor in our buying decision, and therefore the importance of culture to purchasing: “Do people like us do things like that?”

This got me thinking in particular about the buying decision around coaching and how people could be segmented according to whether they feel having a coach elevates or diminishes their status. I hope and believe that the sales element of my role is getting easier as the value of business coaching is more widely recognised and having a coach is perceived as a sign of strength.

The value of this thought, however did not outweigh the time investment in struggling through the pages of this book. There are many better books on marketing out there – please get in touch if you would like detailed recommended reading list.